It's been in incredibly long time since I sat down or even remotely had the time to write a blog post. Now that there is a slight lul in the action here at the Trif abode, I'll try and make some smart tech sense....
Let me start with the iPhone. I have now been an iPhone user and lover since the first week in July 2007. It is still the best phone I've ever owned. It is also be best mobile computing device (smartphone if you must) as well. I spend endless time on the couch watching TV with my iPhone as my internet surfing device. This is simultaneous to Michelle's usage of her 12" Inspiron laptop during tv watching times. The iPhone represents the richest web browsing experience of any mobile device and one that is on par with full brower clients like IE7, Safari and Firefox.
With my jailbroken (term for installing your own 3rd party apps), it is a fierce smart phone competitor to windows mobile and the blackberry. Some of the things that can be done to make it an even more competitive device or superior device is some of the outcomes I'd like to see from macworld.
This macworld comes a year to the announcement of the iPhone and about 6 months after its release. Some of the early shortcomings must be addressed. These range in technical complexity so I list in no particular order.
1. Copy and Paste
2. MMS (yes i know email is just as easy and free but sometimes you need MMS)
3. 3G (Edge is slow but not terrible as long as you are in metropolitan/suburban areas)
4. 3rd Party Apps (just can't come soon enough)
So the above was typed before Macworld but I simply didn't have time to post it. Now that macworld has happened, some comments:
1. iPhone
Google is freaking the best company every. Location and the usability updated in 1.1.3 has me willing to forgo jailbreak apps of 1.1.2. I had the opportunity to stop at the Apple story and play with it. Worked great in Allentown PA.
WebApp Icons
Nice. I just recently re-organized all my iPhone bookmarks so this can make it easier to hit the most popular sites i goto like Twitter and Facebook.
Icon Re-arrangement. Executed with simplicity and ease that only Apple can bring to a consumer device. Excellent
No 3G. Clearly its not ready. Plenty of wifi available. Really a non issue for me.
2. Macbook Air
Awesome. Expensive. If I can get work to buy one I just may. As for the Trif household. I really see the iMac the way to go as a appliance computer for our downstairs. It will only be used w/o wires with the exception of the power cord.
3. Movie Rentals
This is how I want to watch movies. For 2.99/3.99 SD, I will rent and watch movies on my iPhone through iTunes. The movie industry just made ripping DVDs and encoding for iPhone not woth the work. Sorry Handbrake, you've been released.