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Monday, September 10, 2007

Ringtones for iPhone | Free Ringtones for iPhone

Last week Steve Jobs announed a bevy of new/revamped iPods. Additionally he announced ringtones for the iPhone. Through iTunes you can (re)buy a song on iTunes for $0.99 (in addition to the original purchase price) and custom select up to 30 seconds to make into a ring tone. Thanks for nothing Steve....

There are already several ways to get ringtones on your iPhone at no additional cost. iRingtoner is one app with instructions on

Immediately after the announcement of ringtones baked-in to iTunes, the hackers have unraveled how to get free ringtones on your iPhone. Its hardly a hack and more of a procedure. Ars technica has the scoop on the file rename hack for ringtones.

Friday, September 07, 2007


Wouldn't it be great to be able to snap a photo of those meeting notes on the whiteboard or keep a digital copy of notes on your writing pad? Well some smart fella has created a website just for that. Check out Qipit.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Eudora lives to see version 8.0

Most Penn Staters will recall and I am sure countless other long time email users the great Eudora email program. Scott Gilbertson writes on his blog at "Eudora, one of the earliest and much revered desktop e-mail clients, has been reborn under the Mozilla Thunderbird umbrella. The new beta version of Eudora 8 and the Penelope add-on are available for download from the Mozilla site."

Grab the release here.