Trifster's Flickr Feed

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Monday, April 25, 2005

The view from my hotel room in the French Quater of New Orleans, LA. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Upgrade of the WiFi

So after about a year of delay I have begun to upgrade my home wireless network from 802.11b to 802.11g. Basically I am going from 10mbps to 54 mbps in speed or an increas of about 5x. This is a major need not only b/c our cable modem has increased speed but also because the file traffic from servers and to/from laptops has incresed. Here is a breakdown of the hardware.

Wireless Router:
D-Link Wireless Cable/DSL Router 4-Port Switch - 802.11G - 54Mbps - DI-524
$19.99 after mail in rebate

Wireless Adapter Michelle's Notebook:
AT&T 6700G Wireless 802.11g PDMCIA WIFI Card

Wireless Adapter Bobby's Notebook:
INTEL ProSet Wireless 2200 MINI PCI 802.11b/g (internal wifi card)

Total network upgrade cost:

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Motorola T721 GSM Cell phone for sale...

Check out my auction for an Motorola T721 AT&T Wireless cell phone. You can pay $15 on the 'net to have it unlocked to work with any carrier that uses a GSM network.